
The Quiet Secret of Reflection

I have a secret. Confronted with the canopy of distant stars, silent landscapes, or the rush of the ocean I find myself lost. It’s an intentional act, of course. I have always found solace and intrigue in my most inner…

Unexpected Acts of Kindness

Sincere acts of kindness are endangered. In our hyper-connected world we move too fast to slow down and take the time to consider those around us. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen. And it’s amazing what a little note…

Send the Elevator Back Down

Our success isn’t just our own. It’s a culmination of dedication, happenstance, hard work, loving support, sometimes a little luck, and opportunity. I recall a conversation I had years ago with a colleague about “sending the elevator back down.” Meaning,…

My Twist on the Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge has certainly sparked conversation, and donations, for ALS Association. Commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. The disease does not have…

Henry Ogrodzinski, 2014 EAA Memorial Wall Inductee

As AirVenture 2014 drew to a close this weekend there was a very simple, yet emotional, service at EAA to honor the memory of those we loved and lost this year. Included in the 2014 EAA Memorial Wall Inductees were Henry Ogrodzinski and…

Remembering Henry Ogrodzinski

Some people knew him as Henry Ogrodzinski, most people knew him as Henry O, I simply knew him as my uncle. One of my fondest memories of Henry was the time I spent an entire week in Oshkosh with him.…

Should Every Social Media Manager Be Under 25?

Cathryn Sloan’s post “Why Every Social Media Manager Should Be Under 25” has certainly stirred up some controversy. The recent University of Iowa graduate still has a lot of learning to do. If you missed the post, I recommend reading…